皇冠博彩’s Office of 学校心理咨询 helps students develop a healthy understanding and respect for themselves and others. The 学校心理咨询 team seeks to increase students’ problem-solving, 决策, 情感管理, and academic skills through individual and group counseling sessions, 课堂演讲, 健康课程, 以及全校的集会.
Archmere’s school counselors provide an atmosphere of security, 温暖, and encouragement as Archmere students work to reach their fullest potential in the areas of academics, 社会, 以及个人性格发展. The solid foundation they create allows Archmere students to successfully manage their lives as healthy, 负责任的, 高效的公民, 谁尊重自己和他人.
The Office of 学校心理咨询 wants students to master the competencies necessary to make informed self-directed, 现实的, and 负责任的 decisions to successfully contribute to society.